Thursday, April 30, 2009

Knitting in Public...

Every Wednesday night I work with the children's choir at my church. Last night I went to the classroom early and started practicing my knitting. A precious little girl came up to me and asked, "What are you doing?" in a high pitched 2nd grader voice. I said, "I'm knitting." mirroring her tone. She replied, "Oh, I have seen that on the movies but it looks a lot faster than that." I laughed heartily and she proceeded to look at me like a I was a crazy lady. Kids are so much fun!!!

Have a great day!


Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Not your everyday knot...

The infamous Slip Knot.

This knot is used to start any crochet or knitting project. I thought I knew this one but it turns mine wouldn't slip. So, here it is:
Lay out yarn over your fingers with tail end away yarn end toward you.

Grab the tail and place it over top of the yarn, towards you.

Use pointer finger and thumb to go through the loop and grab (yarn ball) yarn.

Pull on ends of yarn to tighten.

Take loop and place over needle.

Now you are ready to start your project!
There are other ways to start crochet and knitting projects like the magic circle or long tail cast on but I just wanted to get started with the basics.


ps. This beautiful yarn was sent to me in my Phat Fiber Box! I was so thrilled when I saw this colorful sample from Desired Haven Farm called Spring Day. More samples and fun things to do with them coming soon!!!


SPINDERELLA!!! She is my beautiful new Louet Victoria spinning wheel. I was introduced to her this past Sunday, April 26th 2009. I went to the DFW Fiber Fest to try out some different types of wheels. She totally won my heart! She is a little thing (weighing around 7 lbs.) and she has her own suitcase. As soon as I got home I grabbed some roving and got to work. These are some pictures of me *spinning Spinderella*...

The pictures here show my very first yarn. It is a little wacky but I think pretty good for my first day EVER!
Boy can she spin...

These guys (need a pedicure) know how to work it! I always wiggle my feet anyway... my boyfriend calls it *making biscuits*. You know, like a kitty? Turns out this was perfect practice for treadling(I didn't even know that was a word until last Sunday). Well, at least I don't seem to get tired.

Other exciting news is that I learned to knit last night!!! I was super excited when I finished up my little rectangle! I will treasure it always. I hope to have a short video this weekend. I have a list of topics all ready. I will leave you with a picture of my first knitting progect in progress.

Have a lovely day!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Fiber: Fascination or Fetish?

Does it matter?

So what if I am a little obsessed with comfy, cozy, colorful, cotton candy... I mean... FIBER... Just look at it. It is full of potential and calling my name! Okay. You're right! It can do a lot... but it can't talk.

Anyway, this blog is going to be all about my adventures in fiber and fiber related things. Examples of this might be yarn, crochet, knitting, spinning, dying fiber and who knows what else?!?!?! Isn't that exciting?!?!? Well if you don't think so just mosey on along... you won't be missed.

Now, back to the fun stuff.

I don't quite know how I got all *wound up* in this yarn thing but I am here and things are lookin' pretty. I do know that this slight obsession started sometime in the beginning of 2009... somewhere between Twitter and Etsy... I know! Weird how one thing leads to another. Like how I learned to crochet from a woman who called herself a Mexican Jew while volunteering at KERA about 7 years ago. Pretty random. Or how I met a lovely lady at the doctors office waiting to have blood taken (again) who teaches crochet, knitting, spinning, etc. who told me I HAD to go to the DFW Fiber Fest.

My plan is for this website to 1) be a place for you to see how much fun I am having, 2) be a place for current *fiber fans* to hang out and remember the good ole' days when you didn't know anything and 3) convert some new folks!

I will try to get out a video a week of a new technique I learn. I will try to post at least twice a week about projects I am working on or maybe just some pictures of yummy fiber.

I am starting from the very beginning... it's a very good place to start...


ps. My new Louet Victoria is named Spinderella (hence the name of the blog)